“Qalamoun in Colors” cash for work project is implemented by GIZ Local Development Program for Urban Areas in North Lebanon (UDP_NL) in partnership with UTOPIA and the Municipality of Qalamoun through the financial support of the European Union and Germany in partnership with the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Three weeks ago, UTOPIA started implementing “Qalamoun in Colors” cash for work project in Al-Qalamoun, which is a Mediterranean seaside town, North Lebanon, in Tripoli District. The project covers Qalamoun, Old Qalamoun, and the Qalamoun entrance (Tunnel).
This Cash for Work Project focuses on the rehabilitation of the Qalamoun market through cleaning pavements and painting about 51 buildings.
The neighborhood’s beautification includes cleaning streets and public spaces, removing weeds, painting old signs and markers.
All of these rehabilitation works in the town aim to improve social stability between Lebanese and Syrians.
The aim of this project is not only beautifying Al-Qalamoun but mainly generating short-term job opportunities
for 120 Lebanese and Syrian young males and females who are participating in the rehabilitation and beautification
process. Also, improving employability and strengthening community exchange to contribute to social stability is one
of the project goals. Beneficiaries will work for 40 days over three months.
In addition, youth participating in the project will gain experience,
that will help them to find jobs later. And on the personal level,
they will acquire entrepreneurial and teamwork skills.
“Qalamoun in Colors” cash for work project is one of the projects
implemented by UTOPIA, which aims to abolish all types of social
discrepancies through specialized projects and programs and to
inspire a culture of civic awareness and equal citizenship in
Lebanese society.